On January 10, 2023 the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) will open for its first round of applications from fact-checking organisations in Europe who wish to join the network. Created in 2022, the EFCSN seeks to be an umbrella organisation that will support and represent independent fact-checkers who uphold the highest standards in their efforts to combat misinformation in Europe.
In order to join the network, fact-checking organisations must be compliant with the European Code of Standards, which was published in September 2022 through a joint initiative involving nearly 50 fact-checking organisations from across Europe. The Code sets out commitments to transparency, non-partisanship and journalistic excellence for fact-checking organisations who are focused on serving the public interest.
Organisations who apply will be vetted by two external assessors who are experts in the field of disinformation, fact-checking and/or journalism, as well as in the country or region of the applicant. The EFCSN’s Governance Body will make the final decision based on the recommendations of these assessors as well as the opinions of any other EFCSN member organisations from the same country or region. Organisations who are approved as members will receive a badge to publish on their websites. They will also be listed as members on the EFCSN website together with their application.
The first window for submitting applications will open on January 10, 2023 and close on February 28, 2023. There will be two more application rounds in 2023 in May and October. Start your application here.